Greg Owen


How can we continue fundraising efforts by mobilising volunteers and supporter networks online


UX design, UI design, Front-end development, Ruby on Rails


Shop volunteers now have an way to mobilise their social networks and continue to fundraise adapting to the pandemic

Prototype → Pilot

Good Goods interface

This project started back in 2018 when, through a Design Sprint in partnership with the in-house innovation team at Save the Children, we very quickly built a working prototype (built in one day, using Ruby on Rails with a JustGiving integration). The concept started to test a new way to fundraise online – mobilising individual’s social networks to buy products that would in turn raise money for important causes. The core assumption to test: would people actually buy products to donate this way.

After a small and successful short test phase the platform moved from just a simple prototype to scale as a nationwide campaign with the backing of internal resources.

Question: ‘Would people actually buy products and donate funds directly from their friends?’

What we did: Leveraged the JustGiving API to quickly set up payments to validate real-world payments

Emergency → GoodGifts

Emergency Good Gifts

The project has pivoted twice, first to repurpose as an emergency appeal asset, and more recently to mobilise the closed stores through COVID.

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