A little about me and my journey into design.

Walking the road less travelled seems to be a re-occurring theme in my life. Apparently, I don't like to follow the conventional path.
From a young age I had one dominant ambition; to be a professional ice hockey player. When years later that became a lived reality so too did the realisation that an athletes days are numbered. So while living out one ambition, I looked to another – design.
I'd always been encouraged to go to art school as a teenager, my teachers seeing something in me I didn't want to acknowledge in myself; my head solely focused on pursuing my dream, so I paid little attention. After years of dedication and commitment, and reaching the end of an illustrious sporting career, I reached a natural point where I started to pay more attention and consider what would come next.
So in the midst of an intense professional athlete's schedule I found a way to explore and develop my craft as a designer, studying and learning all I could, maximising down time and off-seasons, reaping the benefits of any freelance opportunities that came my way.
Then eventually, when the time was right, one passion gave way to another and with a brief spell exploring coaching it became clear to me that it was time to start a new chapter, fully committed to a career in design.
Drawing on all my experiences working in elite teams; teamwork, people, performance, work ethic, commitment, failure and success, I set about building a business I believed was possible to create and one I wanted to work for. That's when Daughter was born (no pun intended). A small digital product studio with a big belief in the potential of design and innovation to solve business problems in creative ways.
Seven years of hard graft, exhilaration, and LOTS of successes and failures brings me to where I am today; still excited about the potential of human centred design to impact business, eager to learn and ultimately hopeful that there is more than enough diversity, creativity and human spirit in the world to solve the complex challenges we face today.
I'm in.